The client shares the app’s use case with Oxagile

Developing a special offer for existing viewers, leveraging the broadcaster’s fiber network and delivering content through branded Android TV STB devices.
Generating additional revenue through ad insertion and white-labeling the STB app for small and medium-sized operators.
Does this broadcast scaling strategy sound familiar?
With the client’s trust, Oxagile’s team led the front-end development phase, delivering the following features:
The app is built as an APK file, which can be installed on the viewer’s Android TV or Fire TV device.
Having inherited legacy code, we performed extensive code refactoring as part of releasing application screens and overhauled the architecture to Single Activity, enabling seamless switching between background and full-screen playback and improving overall app navigation.
To implement features not supported by third-party back-end systems, we collaborated with the client to create services on their side. This allowed us to integrate directly with these services for functions like MAC address-based authorization and extended metadata retrieval.
Negotiating development details with manufacturers
With about 20 years of ensuring viewing experiences