Here are the perks of the AI solution for hassle-free ad campaigns

Our client came to us with a clear-cut vision of how to help lots of marketing agencies that are fed up with the headache of creating ad campaigns the old-fashioned way and feeling lost in the dark about how audiences are responding to their ad creatives.

More tangible results, less spending on staff

The system can generate and optimize ad campaign creatives in a flash, which allows marketers to say goodbye to endless manual work and team huddles.

Smart automation for saving precious time

We’re talking website scanning, topics and keywords extraction, campaign parameters generation, creative designing, and ad publishing — all taken care of automatically.

Impressive ad campaign results

Thanks to the bid and targeting optimization techniques included, ad creatives will be firing on all cylinders, delivering top-notch performance.

Here’s how the tool gets the job done

  • Step 1. Website crawling and ad campaign launch

    Then, it generates and uploads ad creatives through Meta/Google APIs.

  • Step 2. Examining statistics and drawing conclusions

    An embedded mechanism synthesizes insights to devise strategies for future ad distribution tactics.

  • Step 3. Going in for continual ad adjustments

    This allows the solution to determine the most effective ad combinations and beat ad campaign performance goals.

  • Step 4. Moving towards bid optimization

    The whole cycle continues in a never-ending loop, repeating itself time and time again.

Here are the tips from Oxagile to make the idea a reality

After getting deeper into project talks, our AdTech and AI teams came up with a few nifty tricks to make sure that the AI ads generator hits the spot for marketers. So, our advice from the tech point of view was:

  • To focus on one primary ad channel, like Google Ads, to maximize impact, instead of trying to disintegrate into the multiplicity of options;
  • To use pre-built third-party modules for crawling and designing creatives, saving time and hassle;
  • To harness the power of GPT-like tools for extracting key topics;
  • To nail down a bidding strategy with pre-defined tactics and a distinct set of targeting parameters.

Curious about the potential of AI-generated creatives for winning ad campaigns?

Oxagile is eager to jump in and share how we can spruce up your solution with some cool new AI features or tap into Generative AI tech to whip up slick ads while keeping costs down.

Here is the lineup of our AI ad generation services

AI models orchestration

We’ve got various AI models teaming up like champs in one handy tool, working together smoothly to handle every aspect of managing ads, from creation to promotion.

LLM fine-tuning

So you get tailored content for ad campaigns. No domain boundaries here — we’re game for crafting anything, from a smart AI chatbot to new chemical concoctions.

AI model consulting

We’ll help you choose the best one to make sure your ad creatives strike home, neatly utilizing user data and keeping an eye on audience preferences.