Today, more and more players on the market add WebRTC support into their solutions. More applications in various business domains, for instance in e-Learning, are based on WebRTC technology.

Oxagile became one of the earliest adopters of WebRTC technology, having started exploring and testing the possibilities of this innovative technology back in 2013.

“Overall, WebRTC technology has been developing slowly, but steadily,” said Sergey Marchuk, Co-Founder and CTO at Oxagile. “Three years ago, I thought WebRTC was going to become the next big thing, but it didn’t happen.”

Recently, we have been working with several companies on different projects based on WebRTC. One of them is XirSys – a California-based company specializing in real-time web communications. Last December, we signed partnership with TokBox – a leading WebRTC cloud platform on the market.

As we head into 2016, Tsahi Levent-Levi, author of, reviewed what happened last year in the world of WebRTC.

WebRTC State of the Market – Are we there yet?