What lies at the heart of the project

“One of the most challenging aspects of fitness is rehabilitation fitness, which involves complex performance tracking and data analysis.
This is precisely the task of our recent project — integrating a person’s movement recording, its accurate analysis, and helpful advice into a single wearable-supported solution for individuals undergoing recovery from injuries, illnesses, and similar circumstances.”
— Project Manager

Movement tracking in 3D

Usage of sensors to monitor and record a user’s muscle activities, biomechanical parameters, and other aspects of motion in real-time.

Discovering trends, detecting anomalies

Turning raw data into clear and easily understandable information and reports on both overall health status and specific physical metrics.

Actionable recommendations

Generating progress reports on the effectiveness of rehabilitation exercises and suggesting adjustments to lifestyle necessary for mitigating any risks.

Based on data expertise and AI knowledge

Ensuring data integrity and its precise interpretation are vital for objectively gauging users’ progress and dynamically assessing the effectiveness of exercises. Leveraging our expertise in developing and enhancing data-driven solutions, we’ve managed to build precision in collecting and maximizing the value of user data.

Defining the ideal movement through statistical analysis

Improving the effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions and enhancing user outcomes.

Statistical analysis stands at the core of:

  • establishing baseline ideal movement patterns for specific rehabilitation goals,
  • identifying individual variations in movement patterns and tailoring rehabilitation accordingly,
  • tracking the user’s progress over time,
  • helping identify deviations from the ideal movement pattern early on.

Predictive analysis and injury prevention

Making recovery plans super-tailored to identify any risk factors.

We trained an ML model to process vast amounts of data, such as recovery times, heart rate, and other physical metrics, personal strengths and weaknesses to:

  • predict potential injury risks for individual athletes,
  • offer timely advice on the need for rest or training adjustments to mitigate harm.

There’s more to the solution’s capabilities

  • Instantaneous kinesthetic signals for refining movement
  • Identifying different types of physical activity
  • Effortless sharing of data through Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connections
  • Employing body-worn sensors for 3-dimensional tracking of acceleration, power, velocity, and more

Integration with medical and fitness apps

The solution can be easily integrated and automatically synchronized with a variety of other web, iOS, and Android fitness applications, eliminating the need for manual data entry and ensuring real-time feedback on every movement, no matter where users are.

This integration combines the strengths of fitness apps and wearable devices, offering users a comprehensive overview of their health status, activities, exercise intensity, and more, complementing each other’s metrics and powering tailored suggestions.